moondog project


lapsus lumine ft. jim black / ernst reijseger

lapsus lumine

giulia deval – vocals

sabrina oggero viale – vocals

erika sofia sollo – vocals

stefano risso – double bass, compositions and arrangements


ernst reijseger – cello

jim black – drums

This journey is inspired by Moondog, the pseudonym of the visionary American songwriter and composer Louis Thomas Hardin. Divided between the love for classical, beat and jazz life, forerunner of minimalism, esteemed by lot of jazz musicians and composers such as Philip Glass and Steve Reich.

The project idea has been developed by  Lapsus Luminejoined by two of the most important figures of the contemporary scene, as guests: the Dutch cellist and improviser Ernst Reijseger and the American drummer Jim Black

The line-up re-reads some Moondog’s work and plays original compositions inspired by his aesthetics, moving masterfully between musical territories apparently far from each other.

The sextet made its debut at the Torino Jazz Festival 2019 edition, as a TJF original production, and has been one of the main shows of the festival, with great public and critical acclaim.

The Slovenian videomaker Miha Sagadin made a documentary about the Moondog Project, following the ensemble and its guests in their research into Moondog’s work, from conception to concert. The film Moondog can see you was premiered at the 2021 edition of the international music film festival Seeyousound.

Questo viaggio è ispirato a Moondog, pseudonimo del visionario cantautore e compositore statunitense Louis Thomas Hardin. Artista diviso tra amore per la classica, vita beat e jazz, precursore del minimalismo, stimato da compositori come Philip Glass e Steve Reich.

Al quartetto Lapsus Lumine si aggiungono due tra le figure più rilevanti della scena contemporanea: il violoncellista e improvvisatore olandese Ernst Reijseger e il batterista americano Jim Black

Moondog Project rilegge l’opera di Moondog e presenta nuove composizioni ispirate alla sua estetica, muovendosi magistralmente tra territori musicali apparentemente lontani tra loro. I testi sono estratti dalla prolifica opera poetica del compositore americano ed in alcuni casi scritti ex novo rielaborando il suo materiale. 

Il sestetto ha debuttato con grande successo al Torino Jazz Festival 2019, inserito nel programma come produzione originale del TJF, acclamato dal pubblico e dalla critica.

Il videomaker sloveno Miha Sagadin, ha realizzato un documentario sul Moondog Project, seguendo l’ensemble e i suoi ospiti nel loro viaggio di ricerca sull’opera di Moondog, dall’ideazione al concerto. Il film Moondog can see you è stato presentato in anteprima nell’edizione 2021 del  Seeyousound international music film festival.

TJF photo gallery